json Member List

This is the complete list of members for json, including all inherited members.

bool_value() constjson
children() constjson
clear() (defined in json)json
erase(std::string const &name)json
has_non_null_value() const (defined in json)jsoninline
is_array() const (defined in json)jsoninline
is_boolean() const (defined in json)jsoninline
is_null() const (defined in json)jsoninline
is_number() const (defined in json)jsoninline
is_object() const (defined in json)jsoninline
json() noexcept=default (defined in json)json
json(json const &)=default (defined in json)json
json(json &&) noexcept=default (defined in json)json
json(json_type t)jsonexplicit
number_value() constjsoninline
number_value() constjsoninline
operator bool() const (defined in json)jsoninlineexplicit
operator=(Bool b)jsoninline
operator=(T n)jsoninline
operator=(std::string_view const &v)json
operator=(std::wstring_view const &v)jsoninline
operator=(json const &) (defined in json)json
operator=(json &&) noexcept (defined in json)json
operator[](std::string const &name) constjson
operator[](std::string const &name)json
operator[](size_t i) constjson
operator[](size_t i)json
parse(std::string_view const &v, size_t max_depth=20)jsonstatic
parse(fz::buffer const &b, size_t max_depth=20) (defined in json)jsonstatic
string_value() constjson
to_string(bool pretty=false, size_t depth=0) constjson
to_string(std::string &ret, bool pretty=false, size_t depth=0) constjson
type() const (defined in json)jsoninline
wstring_value() constjsoninline