▼Nfz | The namespace used by libfilezilla |
Ndirection | |
Nlogmsg | |
Nrate | |
►Nxml | |
Cascii_layer | |
Cbuffer | Simple buffer where data can be appended at the end and consumed at the front. Think of it as a deque with contiguous storage |
Cpublic_key | Represents a X25519 public key with associated salt |
Cprivate_key | Represents a X25519 private key with associated salt |
Csymmetric_key | Symmetric encryption key with associated salt |
Cevent_base | Common base class for all events |
Csimple_event | This is the recommended event class |
Cevent_handler | Simple handler for asynchronous event processing |
Cevent_loop | A threaded event loop that supports sending events and timers |
Cfile | Lean class for file access |
Cresult | Small class to return filesystem errors |
Crwresult | Holds the result of read/write operations |
Chash_accumulator | Accumulator for hashing large amounts of data |
Chostname_lookup | |
Cimpersonation_token | Impersonation tokens for a given user can be used to spawn processes running as that user |
Cnetwork_interface | |
Cjson | Json parser/builder |
►Cjson_array_iterator | |
Clocal_filesys | This class can be used to enumerate the contents of local directories and to query the metadata of files |
Clogger_interface | Abstract interface for logging strings |
Cnull_logger | A logger that does not log anything |
Cstdout_logger | A simple logger that writes to stdout |
Cmutex | Lean replacement for std::(recursive_)mutex |
Cscoped_lock | A simple scoped lock |
Ccondition | Waitable condition variable |
Cnonowning_buffer | Similar to fz::buffer, but does not own memory |
Csparse_optional | Similar to C++17's std::optional, but stores the data in dynamic memory |
Cprocess | Manages an asynchronous process with redirected IO |
Crate_limited_layer | A rate-limited socket layer |
Ccompound_rate_limited_layer | A compound rate-limited socket layer |
Crate_limit_manager | Context for rate_limiters |
Cbucket_base | Base class for buckets |
Crate_limiter | A limiter for the attached buckets |
Cbucket | A rate-limited token bucket |
Crecursive_remove | Recursively deletes directories |
Crwmutex | Lean rw mutex |
Cscoped_read_lock | A simple scoped read lock |
Cscoped_write_lock | A simple scoped read lock |
Cshared_optional | Shared_optional is like std::shared_ptr but with relational operators acting like C++17's std::optional |
Cpublic_verification_key | Represents a public key to verify messages signed using Ed25519 |
Cprivate_signing_key | Represents a private key to sign message with using Ed25519 |
Csocket_event_source | All classes sending socket events should derive from this |
Csocket_base | Common base clase for fz::socket and fz::listen_socket |
Csocket_descriptor | Lightweight holder for socket descriptors |
Clisten_socket | Simple Listen socket |
Csocket_interface | Interface for sockets |
Csocket | IPv6 capable, non-blocking socket class |
Csocket_layer | A base class for socket layers |
Cless_insensitive_ascii | Comparator to be used for std::map for case-insensitive keys |
►Cstrtokenizer | Container-like class that can be used to iterate over tokens in a string |
Cthread | Spawns and represents a new thread of execution |
Casync_task | Handle for asynchronous tasks |
Cthread_pool | A dumb thread-pool for asynchronous tasks |
Cdatetime | Represents a point of time in wallclock, tracking the timestamps accuracy/precision |
Cduration | The duration class represents a time interval in milliseconds |
Cmonotonic_clock | A monotonic clock (aka steady clock) is independent from walltime |
►Cx509_certificate | Represents all relevant information of a X.509 certificate as used by TLS |
Ctls_session_info | Information about a TLS session |
Ctls_layer | A Transport Layer Security (TLS) layer |
Ctls_system_trust_store | Opaque class to load the system trust store asynchronously |
Curi | Used to decompose URIs into their individual components |
Cquery_string | Class for parsing a URI's query string |
Cbuffer_lease | |
Caio_waiter | |
Caio_waitable | |
Caio_buffer_pool | A buffer pool for use with async readers/writers |
Caio_base | |
Creader_base | Base class for all readers |
Creader_factory | A reader factory |
Creader_factory_holder | Holder for reader factories |
Cthreaded_reader | Base class for threaded readers |
Cfile_reader | File reader |
Cfile_reader_factory | Factory for |
Cview_reader | |
Cview_reader_factory | |
Cstring_reader | String reader, keeps a copy of the string |
Cstring_reader_factory | Factory for |
Cwriter_base | Base class for all writers |
Cwriter_factory | A writer factory |
Cwriter_factory_holder | |
Cthreaded_writer | Base class for threaded writer |
Cfile_writer | File writer |
Cfile_writer_factory | Factory for |
Cbuffer_writer | |
Cbuffer_writer_factory | |
Cxml_parser_writer | Forwards received data directly into an XML parser |
Cxml_namespace_parser_writer | Similar to |
Cdll | Encapsulates a DLL |
Cshdlls | A collection of commonly used dlls |
Cregkey | Prepresents a key in the Windows registry |